Admission and Registration Requirements
Registration Requirements for the School Year 1441/1442 H:
- Copy of the family card or residence permit.
- Copy of the birth certificate with the original for verification.
- Copy of the vaccination card (vaccination schedule) with the original.
- Six recent passport-sized photos (3x4 cm).
- Student must attend the interview.
- Tuition fees must be paid in full upon registration.
- The father must attend the school in person for registration or transfer, or present a legal power of attorney for those wishing to register or transfer.
- The child must be born on or before 1436/4/14 H (February 3, 2015), or be within three months of completing six years at the start of the year.
- Children under six years old (not more than 180 days before 1436/7/15 H) may be accepted if they have attended an accredited (official) kindergarten for two semesters and provide a certificate according to the standards.
- Compliance with the official uniform; embroidered or colored clothing is not allowed.
- Removal of unusual or non-traditional hairstyles.
- Adherence to interview appointment times on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
- The guardian or family must be able to use a computer and the internet.
- Provide a simplified address for residence from Google.
- The guardian is responsible for entering the student's information into the Noor system.
- Complete payment of tuition fees within three days of registration. Failure to pay will result in the application being canceled and removed from the Noor system.